The JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda on Antimicrobial Resistance (SRIA) presents an overview of recent developments and future needs for AMR research. The SRIA outlines six key priority topics within the AMR field: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Surveillance Transmission, Environment and Interventions, and has defined a set of research objectives within each priority topic.
The SRIA is a prime guiding tool for AMR research prioritisation in investments, research activities and planning for JPIAMR member states and other funding initiatives. It is also one of the most thorough guidelines on AMR research, helping researchers, policymakers, media, educators, health workers and the scientific community to work together on solutions to curb AMR on a global scale.
The SRIA highlights many important research needs, including:
- The need to address AMR with a holistic One Health approach
- The necessity of including innovation in every aspect of AMR research
- Increased inclusion of Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs)
- The need for developments incorporating personalised medicine and artificial intelligence

In its formative period, the JPIAMR under the guidance of its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and international stakeholders, developed a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The SRA defined six strategic and scientific priorities required to reduce antimicrobial resistance, improving public health and wellbeing of populations and delivering economic and societal benefits.
The JPIAMR recognises that innovation is critically important in the field of AMR, as there is a strong need for new therapeutics, diagnostics, and innovative infection prevention and intervention measures. In 2018, the JPIAMR updated the SRA to take account of recent research findings and extend the JPIAMR SRA into a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The updated SRIA was published in May 2019. In 2021, the JPIAMR SRIA was broadened to include antifungal research and innovation priorities.
The priority topics of the SRIA are:
- Therapeutics: Discovery of new antimicrobials and therapeutic alternatives, and the improvement of current antimicrobials and treatment regimens.
- Diagnostics: Development and improvement of diagnostics to improve the use of antimicrobials and alternatives to antimicrobials.
- Surveillance: Optimisation of surveillance systems to understand the drivers and burden of antimicrobial resistance in a One Health perspective.
- Transmission: Understanding and preventing the transmission of antimicrobial resistance.
- Environment: The role of the environment in the persistence, selection and spread of antimicrobial resistance.
- Interventions: Investigation and improvement of infection prevention and control measures in One Health settings.