News archive

AMR in focus at G 7 Health Ministers meeting in Milan

Nov 6, 2017

On November 5 and 6, the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Health took place in Milan, Italy. On the agenda for the second day was antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The discussions focused on crucial topics of global health. The aim of the meeting was among else to coordinate global and concrete actions. In that context, participating Health […]

Press release: Statement for the Call to Action on AMR in Berlin, October 12-13 2017

Oct 13, 2017

At the Call to Action in Berlin on October 12-13, the JPIAMR will commit to several new initiatives and actions for 2018. Research is a crucial tool to address AMR, therefore, we commit to launch three joint research calls with a preliminary budget of 15M€. We will focus our efforts on projects to identify new […]

October 2017: Management Board meeting in Stockholm

Oct 12, 2017

We gathered members of JPIAMR for Management Board meeting in Stockholm on October 10-11. Two dynamic days with member nations represented. Sharing AMR insights and updates on the actions of JPIAMR. Coordination, collaboration, calls and developments in focus. Many items and areas covered, including welcoming new member South Africa who was represented by Dr. Richard Gordon. The mapping project […]

Workshop: Environmental Dimensions of AMR

Sep 27, 2017

Full focus on the impact of environment on AMR when a global group of scientist collaborated during two intense days. Themes discussed: Evolution, Transmission and Interventions. The purpose of the workshop was to explore and identify critical research needs that relate to the environmental dimensions of AMR, both in the longer term for providing input to […]

New WHO Report: Current Clinical Pipeline Insufficient

Sep 21, 2017

The WHO review shows that the current clinical pipeline is still insufficient to mitigate the threat of antimicrobial resistance. JPIAMR contributes to finding solutions to the challenges presented by WHO. JPIAMR is processing current and future calls that funds research on the very challenges highlighted in the report. Among with several ground breaking activities. WHO points out: More investments needed […]

Provide your input to the JPIAMR workshop on the Environmental Dimensions of AMR!

Sep 4, 2017

To capture research needs more efficiently we urge anyone with interest in the subject to provide input in terms of what knowledge gaps they think should receive priority. Please provide here your input before September 17th.

India, South Africa and Egypt are New Members of JPIAMR

Jun 29, 2017

JPIAMR Becomes Global Collaborative Platform on Antimicrobial Resistance On 29 June 2017, India, South Africa and Egypt was accepted as a new members of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). Now 26 countries are members of the global collaborative platform and involved in the mission to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR). ” Antimicrobial Resistance […]

20 Transnational Research Projects enters next step of fifth Call

Jun 7, 2017

Now twenty transnational research projects are invited to submit full applications within the JPIAMRs fifth Joint Call on Prevention and Intervention Strategies to control AMR infections. Earlier this year the JPIAMR announced its fifth joint call on “Prevention and Intervention Strategies to control AMR infections”. As the deadline for submitting a pre-proposal passed on March […]

G20 Health Ministers Points Out JPIAMR as Key Initiative to Support

Jun 1, 2017

When the G20 Health Ministers recently met in Germany, AMR was at the very top of their agenda. Germany who holds the G20 presidency described it as an” important breakthrough”, that all nations agreed to address the growing antibiotic resistance in the world. In the declaration from the meeting, the G20 Health Ministers pointed out […]

AMR Call from Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-EU-NET)

Apr 5, 2017

AMR Call from Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-EU-NET) The JPIAMR members Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey participate in a joint call with the South-East Asian countries Cambodia, Lao PDR, The Phillipines, Thailand, and Vietnam within the framework of the EU-funded project SEA-EU-NET. The call […]