News archive

India, South Africa and Egypt are New Members of JPIAMR

Jun 29, 2017

JPIAMR Becomes Global Collaborative Platform on Antimicrobial Resistance On 29 June 2017, India, South Africa and Egypt was accepted as a new members of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). Now 26 countries are members of the global collaborative platform and involved in the mission to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR). ” Antimicrobial Resistance […]

20 Transnational Research Projects enters next step of fifth Call

Jun 7, 2017

Now twenty transnational research projects are invited to submit full applications within the JPIAMRs fifth Joint Call on Prevention and Intervention Strategies to control AMR infections. Earlier this year the JPIAMR announced its fifth joint call on “Prevention and Intervention Strategies to control AMR infections”. As the deadline for submitting a pre-proposal passed on March […]

G20 Health Ministers Points Out JPIAMR as Key Initiative to Support

Jun 1, 2017

When the G20 Health Ministers recently met in Germany, AMR was at the very top of their agenda. Germany who holds the G20 presidency described it as an” important breakthrough”, that all nations agreed to address the growing antibiotic resistance in the world. In the declaration from the meeting, the G20 Health Ministers pointed out […]

AMR Call from Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-EU-NET)

Apr 5, 2017

AMR Call from Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (SEA-EU-NET) The JPIAMR members Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey participate in a joint call with the South-East Asian countries Cambodia, Lao PDR, The Phillipines, Thailand, and Vietnam within the framework of the EU-funded project SEA-EU-NET. The call […]

Ireland joins international initiative to tackle Antimicrobial Resistance

Mar 29, 2017

On 28 March 2017, Ireland was accepted as a new member of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). It means that now 16 EU countries, and 23 countries worldwide, are involved in the international mission to fight Antimicrobial Resistance. Ireland will be represented in JPIAMR by the Health Research Board, the nation’s lead […]

Laura Piddock new Chair of the JPIAMR Scientific Advisory Board

Feb 23, 2017

We are pleased to announce Laura Piddock, Professor of Microbiology, at the Institute of Microbiology and Infection, University of Birmingham, as the new Chair of the JPIAMR Scientific Advisory Board. Laura Piddock was elected as Chair by the Scientific Advisory Board at their meeting earlier this month. The Management Board will ratify her position in […]

“More scientists should stress what the EU does for them”

Feb 16, 2017

The article published in the “Nature” reports about Herman Goossens, professor of Medical microbiology at the University of Antwerp and University Hospital Antwerp,  urging more scientists to stress what the EU does for them and how to convince European citizens that the EU Projects brings considerable benefits to them. Read more here. Download the article

Information for JPI AMR 2017 call applicants

Jan 26, 2017

We would like to inform all JPI AMR 2017 call applicants that Czech Republic has joined the call. Therefore, call documents, including pre-proposal application form, have been updated. Read here for more information about the call.    

Fifth Joint Call “Prevention and Intervention Strategies to Control AMR infections” opens today

Jan 17, 2017

The JPIAMR in partnership with 14 countries (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) is launching a fifth joint call for transnational research Projects. The call targets research in the following topic: Comparison of prevention, control and intervention strategies for AMR infections through multidisciplinary studies, including One […]

JPIs launch brochure highlighting key achievements

Dec 6, 2016

At the fifth anniversary of the launch of the second wave of Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI), the ten initiatives present a new brochure and factsheets on all JPIs. The new folder explains the benefits of participating in a Joint Programming Initiative, provides an overview of the governance model and highlights the implementation actions for transnational […]