News archive

JPIAMR pre-announces call on intervention strategies

Nov 18, 2016

Today, at European Antibiotic Awareness Day in Brussels, JPIAMR Chair Carlos Segovia announces our new research proposal call on prevention and intervention strategies to control AMR infections. Read more on the pre-announcement here

JPIAMR funds 32 new research projects

Nov 18, 2016

JPIAMR just awarded 28.3 M EUR to 19 research projects to bridge the knowledge gap on AMR transmission mechanisms. 19 project consortia with a total of 96 research groups from 16 countries were awarded 28.3 M EUR for 3 years of research from JPIAMR member countries and the European Commission under the ERA-NET Co-fund scheme. […]

Call Pre-announcement “Prevention and intervention strategies to Control AMR infections”

Nov 15, 2016

Call Pre-announcement JPIAMR is launching a new research of proposals call in the area of Interventions with a total budget of about 12 M EUR and the participation of approximately 12 countries. The primary aim of the fifth joint call of JPIAMR is to compare prevention, control, and intervention strategies to prevent the development, transmission […]

JPIAMR at European Antibiotic Awareness Day, EAAD

Nov 15, 2016

  JPIAMR is supporting the WHO World Antibiotic Awareness Week and is also an active partner in the ECDC European Antibiotic Awareness Day November 18th.  Considerable efforts in research, health care, animal health, food production and environmental technology has to be done to counteract the development of antimicrobial resistance. Therefore, organizations all over Europe has […]

CORBEL launches 1st Open Call for research projects

Oct 27, 2016

CORBEL – Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services – is an EC Horizon2020 project uniting 11 Biological and Medical Science Research Infrastructures (RIs). In CORBEL, the participating RIs expand their cooperation in order to harmonise researchers’ access to their cutting-edge technologies and services by establishing a sustainable platform of aligned services that will enable […]

AMR lifted at UN General Assembly

Sep 23, 2016

On the 21st of September, the UN General Assembly convened to discuss on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for the first time. Representatives from 193 countries signed a declaration to “Act on AMR”, which signals a strong commitment to curb the global overuse of medicines to treat disease. Since 2010, the Joint Programming Initiative on antimicrobial resistance, […]

JPIAMR Workshop “The interplay between AMR Surveillance and Science”

Sep 20, 2016

JPIAMR Workshop “The interplay between AMR Surveillance and Science” Oslo, Norway October 12-13. 2016 Surveillance is a key component of any strategy to counteract the spread and consequences of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).  Present surveillance systems have severe limitations  and the purpose of the workshop is to explore how surveillance systems can be developed to support […]

JPIAMR Sab Vice Chair receives Outreach prize

Sep 12, 2016

We are pleased to report that the Microbiology Society has honored  Laura Piddock the Vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board for JPIAMR  with the 2016 Outreach Prize. The Prize is awarded to a microbiologist who has engaged in high-quality outreach activities during the last 2–5 years. As the Vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board, Laura uses […]

JPIAMR is willing to play a key role in this week G-20 Leaders Summit Communique on unlocking R&D of new and existing antimicrobials

Sep 9, 2016

G-20 Leaders and AMR  JPIAMR is willing to play a key role in this week G-20 Leaders Summit Communique on unlocking R&D of new and existing antimicrobials:  “Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to public health, growth and global economic stability. We affirm the need to explore in an inclusive manner to fight antimicrobial […]

Health Commissioner: Lack of awareness on antimicrobial resistance highlights the need to intensify EU action

Jun 30, 2016

On June16, the European Commission published a Special Eurobarometer survey, showing a decrease of 6% in the consumption of antibiotics but at the same time a persistent lack of awareness on their effects. A majority of Europeans (57%) are unaware that antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. The Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis […]