News archive

Council conclusions on the next steps at a OneHealth approach

Jun 21, 2016

In this official statement the Minister of Health of the EU acknowledges the work of JPIAMR and calls all the Member States to “join or strengthen their commitment to the existing Joint Programming Initiative on AMR” Download the document here

19 PhD positions in an international AMR program, a EU cofund program are available in Groningen

Jun 2, 2016

MEPs call for investment in antibiotic development and restrictions on veterinary use

May 24, 2016

To fight growing antimicrobial resistance, the use of existing antimicrobial drugs should be restricted, and there should be incentives for new ones should be developed In a vote on draft plans to update EU law on veterinary medicines, MEPs have backed a ban on collective and preventive antibiotic treatment of animals and called for measures […]

EU Health Award 2016 for NGOs Fighting Antimicrobial Resistance

May 24, 2016

Today, the Commission announces a new EU Health Award, which will be awarded to non-governmental bodies (NGOs) that distinguished themselves for their efforts and achievements towards reducing the threat to human health from Antimicrobial Resistance. Antimicrobial resistance is a ticking time bomb presenting a threat as big as climate change. It is a priority for […]

JPIAMR welcome the AMR Final report “Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally”

May 19, 2016

JPIAMR welcome the Independent AMR Review Final report “Tackling Drug-Resistant Infections Globally: Final Report and Recommendations” that highlights the importance to tackle Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on a global level. –  As resistant bacteria know no national borders, we need to work at an international scale to tackle antimicrobial resistance, which is exactly what we do […]

Joint Statement by all the Joint Programming Initiatives

May 9, 2016

The 10 Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIS) has presented the last GPC meeting a Joint Statement of the 10 JPIs Chairs. The Statement follows the Lund Statement of the JPIs last December and aims to react to the recent Evaluation Report regarding the progress of the different JPIs. The statement highlights: • JPIs as one of […]

The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) has launched its 9th Call for proposals under IMI 2.

Apr 28, 2016

Please note the specific Call Topic: Addressing the clinical burden of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): evaluation of the burden, current practices and set up of a European research platform (part of the IMI New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) programme) Deadline for submitting short proposals under Call 9: Tuesday 26 July 2016.  Find out more […]

Symposium on Frontiers in Antibiotic Drug Discovery (FiADD), September, 14-15 2016, Stockholm

Apr 25, 2016

The symposium is organized jointly by the Medicinal Chemistry Section of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society and ENABLE, one of the projects in the Innovative Medicines Initiative ND4BB, to showcase the future and opportunities for antibiotic drug discovery in a stimulating environment. It is also designed to provide plenty of opportunities to meet other delegates, renew […]

4th Joint call Networks Working Groups opens today

Apr 18, 2016

The JPIAMR, in partnership with 8 European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK), and Canada, is launching a fourth joint call for working group proposals.  The call sets out to assemble motivated groups of leading experts and establish Working Groups in order to enhance resource alignment and maximise existing and […]

Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) launches 9th Call for proposals under IMI 2

Apr 12, 2016

IMI2 Prelaunch Flyer The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) will soon launch its 9th Call for proposals under IMI 2. The Call will include the topic: Addressing the clinical burden of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI): evaluation of the burden, current practices and set up of a European research platform (part of the IMI New Drugs for […]