News archive

Transmission Dynamics Workshop, 12 October 2015, Berlin

Oct 12, 2015

Diagnostics Workshop, 11 October 2015, London

Oct 11, 2015

JPIAMR welcome EC guidelines to prevent over- and misuse of antibiotics

Sep 28, 2015

The European Commission has published  Guidelines aimed to prevent the overuse and misuse of antibiotics by sharing best-practices in Member States.  These guidelines are one of the key deliverables in the EU action plan on AMR. They provide Member States’ authorities, farmers and veterinarians with practical examples of what is being done in other EU countries to promote […]

Nordic Ministers announce Declaration on Antimicrobial resistance through a One Health perspective

Sep 23, 2015

The Nordic Council of Ministers have agreed to take a joint stance against antibiotic resistance through increased regional co-operation. The declaration will establish a Nordic “One Health” strategic group of senior officials that can support exchange of best practice and ensure an efficient use of the Nordic resources in the areas of antimicrobial resistance and use […]

FAO adopts resolution on antimicrobial resistance

Sep 18, 2015

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) adopted a resolution on antimicrobial resistance and the use of antibiotics in animals in June 2015. The resolution calls upon FAO to ensure that the organisation is actively engaged and coordinated in promoting the work on combating AMR and to strengthen the tripartite collaboration between FAO, WHO and OIE […]

CDDEP Maps Dangerous Trends in Antibiotic Resistance on a Global Scale

Sep 17, 2015

Online mapping tool and new CDDEP report show rise in drug-resistant infections and antibiotic use; CDDEP calls for prioritization of drug conservation over new R&D efforts MWASHINGTON, D.C. and NEW DELHI (17 September 2015) — Researchers at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics & Policy (CDDEP) released new data today documenting alarming rates of bacteria […]

JPIAMR and French Ministry of Health to host collaborative talks between European ministries, agencies and funding bodies in the field of AMR

Sep 10, 2015

We are pleased to announce that on 17 November 2015 in Paris, JPIAMR and the French Ministry of Health is organising an Intergovernmental Workshop in the area of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). At the workshop, invited representatives from ministries, agencies, and funding bodies will come together to: understand the remit of ministries and agencies toward AMR, […]

Science Europe calls for joint programming to focus on impact

Aug 26, 2015

Science Europe has published a position statement on the role and future of joint programming where they recommend that greater focus on impact should be the future of joint programming. JPIAMR welcome this approach where the emphasis is on impact, developing critical mass and contributing to advancing specific fields of knowledge by aligning resources and […]

Save the date: Transmission Dynamics Call for Proposals to Open in January 2016

Jul 23, 2015

This ERAnet Cofund call, JPI-EC-AMR, with over 20 participating countries will open in January 2016 and will support multidisciplinary research networks to conduct collaborative and complementary studies that will unravel the complex dynamics of selection and transmission of antimicrobial resistance to understand the mechanisms that contribute to the spread of resistance. JPIAMR is dedicated to […]

Infect-ERA: Young Scientist Training and Networking Workshop

Jul 14, 2015

To ensure that young researchers in the field of infectious disease reach their full potential, it is essential that the younger generation of microbiologists, clinicians and biotechnologists have access to the best possible training and career development opportunities at all stages of their professional life. Therefor, the FP7 project Infect-ERA plans a young scientists training […]