News archive

JPIAMR attends ‘Societal Stakeholders in Joint Programming’

Jun 8, 2015

On 2nd June 2015 in Brussels, JPIAMR took part in the meeting ‘Societal Stakeholders in Joint Programming’ organised by the Joint Programming Initiative on More Years, Better Lives. The meeting discussed different ways of engaging stakeholders in the different societal challenges tackled by Joint Programming. Engaging stakeholders is crucial to make Joint Programming a success. Each JPI […]

European Parliament vote for new resolution to tackle AMR

Jun 2, 2015

On 19 May 2015, MEPs adopted a resolution to tackle the increase of drug-resistant diseases. The recommendations, written by Italian MEP Piernicola Pedicini (EFDD), welcomed the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). The AMR initiative allows Member States to agree on research needs to avoid duplication, and calls for increased alignment of research funding […]

The Longitude Prize starts its first assessment round

Jun 1, 2015

The first assessment window to win the Longitude Prize closed on 31 May 2015 and the judging panel will now begin assessing the first round of entries. The Longitude Prize is a £10m prize fund that will reward a competitor that can develop a  point–of–care diagnostic test that will conserve antibiotics for future generations and […]

JPIAMR at the Uppsala Health Summit 2-3 June 2015

May 29, 2015

On 2-3 June 2015, JPIAMR’s Laura Marin, Bertrand Schwartz and Ghada Zoubiane will be at the Uppsala Health Summit to discuss ‘A world without antibiotics’. The summit calls for a concerted effort to tackle the antibiotic crisis. ‘Antibiotic Resistance is a complex problem driven by many interconnected factors. As such, single, isolated interventions have little […]

Health leaders join forces in an AMR ‘Call to Action’

May 26, 2015

Ministers of Health and health leaders from the WHO regions gathered at the World Health Assembly on 19 May in Geneva to sign a ‘Call to Action’ on antimicrobial resistance. By forming an ‘Alliance of Champions’, 14 countries signed up to promote political awareness, engagement and leadership on antimicrobial resistance among Heads of State, ministers […]

Latvian Presidency event on Infectious Diseases in Riga, 12 May 2015, read here

May 13, 2015

On 12 May 2015 at the Latvian Presidency event on Infectious Diseases in Riga, participants debated the efforts on infectious diseases and AMR research in the Baltic area. JPIAMR’s Laura Marin from the International Secretariat and Ioana Ispas, JPIAMR’s Romanian Management Board representative talked in the session ‘European context of research and how to enhance collaboration between Western, Central and […]

WHO report finds systems to combat antibiotic resistance lacking

May 4, 2015

On 29 April 2015, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that a quarter of countries that responded to a survey have national plans to preserve antimicrobial medicines like antibiotics, but many more countries must also step up to prevent the misuse of antibiotics and reduce spread of antimicrobial resistance. The WHO survey—which was completed by […]

Workshop ‘Identifying the Pathway to Diagnostic Development’ on 11 May 2015, London, read here

Apr 27, 2015

A lot of diagnostic equipment has been developed but not much of it actually makes it to the market. On 11 May 2015 in London, the Medical Research Council UK on behalf of JPIAMR, is hosting the workshop ‘Identifying the Pathway to Diagnostic Development’ to look at the route from bench to market of diagnostic […]

Government of Canada supports world-class research on antimicrobial resistance

Apr 17, 2015

On April 13 2015, Cathy McLeod, Canadian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health announced that Canada is taking part in six projects , which were made possible as part of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance. This research will help ensure Canadian doctors have the tools they need to treat bacterial infections now and […]

JPIAMR’s Mats Ulfendahl debates for greater AMR research coordination

Apr 1, 2015

The Swedish publication ‘Dagens Medicin’ has today, 1 April 2015, published an article by Mats Ulfendahl, JPIAMR’s Chair of the Management Board. The article is written in response to the discussion around a new Swedish AMR strategy which was held at the beginning of March. Mats emphasises the importance of coordinating international AMR funding to create greater impact. He also puts […]