News archive

President Obama is seeking to double federal funding to fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Feb 3, 2015

The White House proposed a $1.2 billion investment in new drug development, antibiotic stewardship and surveillance programs and evaluation of antibiotic use in agriculture as part of the 2016 federal budget.

EU report provides basis for effective fight against development of resistant bacteria. Click here for more information.

Feb 2, 2015

Data on antimicrobial consumption and use  and occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in humans and animals is presented in a report published jointly by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The analysis combines data from  five European monitoring networks that gather […]

JPI AMR Workshop on Information Systems February 10th, 2015 Madrid

Jan 27, 2015

In order to promote coordination, alignment of agendas, coverage of research gaps and avoidance of duplications, the JPI AMR needs to collect and analyse information of the research done on the field under national programmes. The same is valid regarding the evaluation of JPI AMR own activities and the assessment of its impact. To this […]

EASAC statement and lay summary on antimicrobial drug discovery. Read more.

Jan 20, 2015

European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine ENABLE Call, deadline December 19, 2014

Dec 19, 2014

The ENABLE project seeks to build a substantial pipeline of innovative programmes and has initially fuelled the engine with a portfolio of programmes brought together at the original call. The project will be seeking external Gram-negative programmes to join the project and enter the pipeline for: Hit to Lead programmes Lead to Candidate programmes

ERC workshop – “Practical Pathways to Integration and Complementarity in Research Funding”

Dec 16, 2014

JPIAMR represented the Joint Programme Initiatives a the ERC November workshop on the efforts of funding actors to integrate funding mechanisms in different ways and to offer complementary tools to support scientific progress and innovation. The workshop was divided in 4 focused sessions, each one addressing different levels of integration. JPIAMR presented experiences and approaches […]

The UK Commissioned Review on AMR has published its first paper on the macroeconomic impact of AMR

Dec 15, 2014

The UK Prime Minister announced a Review on Antimicrobial Resistance in July, calling for ideas to bring this growing threat under control. In this first paper it is demonstrate that there could be profound health and macroeconomic consequences for the world, especially in emerging economies, if antimicrobial resistance is not tackled. The paper highlights that […]

Results from the first transnational call

Dec 3, 2014

Antibiotic Awareness day 18 november 2014

Nov 17, 2014

IECID 2015, Inaugural Conference on the Impact of Environmental Changes on Infectious Diseases, Sitges, Spain, 23-25 March 2015

Nov 5, 2014

IECID 2015 Follow the link for more information