News archive

JPIAMR seek ways of cooperation with the Mediterranean area, read more

Sep 10, 2014

JPIAMR took part last 15 July in Bari (Italy) on the Inter-Institutional Meeting JPIs-MPCs. The meeting seek ways of cooperation between JPIs and the Mediterranean area. Mainly through the enhancement of research and innovation in the Euro-Mediterranean region by fostering dialogue between policy makers and coordinators or representatives of different Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) that […]

Call for Gram negative anti-bacterial hit/lead programmes, deadline September 9, click here for more information

Sep 1, 2014

Antibiotic and their Alternatives. Fixing and feeding the Pipeline. Joint Workshop JPIAMR-EC-IMI-EPFIA

Aug 28, 2014

FDA progress report on Antimicrobial Resistance strategy

Jul 3, 2014

Heads of International Biomedical Research Organisations (HIROs) meeting in Shanghai on July 2.

Jul 1, 2014

Mats Ulfendahl, Chair of JPIAMR, lead the discussion on “International priorities surrounding antimicrobial resistance and development of new antibiotics”.

ESOF 2014 concluded

Jun 30, 2014

JPIAMR organized a well attended garden reception June 24th for speakers and participants of the ESOF session ‘Antibiotic resistance: a ticking time bomb!’ with keynote speaker Dr. Anne Glover (Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission) which was organized by the Swedish research and innovation councils SRC, Formas, Forte and Vinnova. The […]

ESOF 2014 – Copenaghen, June 21-26 2014

Jun 23, 2014

First call update

Jun 10, 2014

Free screening of “Resistance” film in Washington, June 11 2014

Jun 5, 2014

2014 European Scientific Conference on Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology, 5-7 November, Stockholm

Jun 5, 2014

The 2014 ESCAIDE conference will be held in Stockholm, Sweden from 5-7 November. The conference will be hosted at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, in the heart of the city. The ESCAIDE programme will offer a huge range of exciting presentations, posters, seminars and workshops on all aspects of infectious disease prevention and control, including […]