The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on all of us, but also made us more certain than ever, that collaboration across borders and disciplines is the way forward. The need for science is more important than ever!
More information on the upcoming call “One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of AMR”, including a partner search tool is now available.
Seven networks have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 10th transnational call: “JPIAMR Network Plus 2020”.
Discover the first global #AntibioticResistanceSymbol, chosen by the jury among the 600 applications. The winning design is made by David Ljungberg, a Swedish Product Designer and Art Director.
We are happy to share the report of the recent online workshop hosted by The French National Research Agency (ANR).
A rapport is now available on the survey about collections of biological material, databases and services relevant for AMR research that was performed earlier this year by ZonMw, on behalf of JPIAMR and VALUE-Dx.
JPIAMR is launching interactive dashboards to provide an overview of AMR specific collections of biological materials, databases and research infrastructure services.
GARDP is organising a live webinar on October 8th on the topic “Exploring safety issues in antimicrobial drug development”.
JPIAMR will hold the final webinar in the AMR research in a post-pandemic world series on September 18.
Key takeaways and a video recording of the second live webinar in the JPIAMR webinar series on AMR in a post-pandemic world are now available.