News archive

Design contest for first global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol

Nov 18, 2019

A design contest to find the first global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol has been launched today by EU-JAMRAI.

New AMR surveillance data and survey results from ECDC

Nov 18, 2019

ECDC has published today its annual update on antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption in Europe as well as the results of a survey on healthcare workers’ perceptions of antibiotics.

JPIAMR Supported Research Spotlights

Oct 29, 2019

JPIAMR is publishing research output and impact of projects funded in the first JPIAMR Joint Call 2014: “Innovative approaches to address antibacterial resistance”.

JPIAMR in first SEDRIC Global Meeting

Oct 10, 2019

JPIAMR participated in the panel on the topic International Activities at the first SEDRIC Global Meeting meeting in London on October 9, 2019.

AMR top priority in European Council Conclusions

Sep 11, 2019

The EU Council Conclusions reaffirms the challenge of AMR as a top priority for the EU. The Council calls for further support of JPIAMR efforts.

JPIAMR funded networks in joint workshop

Aug 16, 2019

The research networks ARCH and GAP-ONE will have a joint workshop in Verona, Italy, on October 24-25th, 2019.

Report: Regional AMR Workshop in Latin America

Aug 15, 2019

On June 5-7, 2019, the regional JPIAMR workshop “Experiences and Areas of Interest for Strengthening Antimicrobial Resistance Networks”, was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We have now published the report from the workshop.

Three JPIs join forces for international showcase in Stockholm

Aug 15, 2019

JPIAMR, Water JPI and JPI Oceans, along with the Swedish Research Council and Formas, are gathering experts to discuss the area of emerging contaminants and pathogens; with one prime example being antibiotic resistant bacteria and their serious risk to our freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Come see JPIAMR at FEMS 2019

Jul 4, 2019

Members of JPIAMR will attend FEMS 2019 from July 7-11 in Glasgow, Scotland. If attending as well, please stop by our poster on the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute.
Poster number: PT138

JPIAMR Roadmap of Actions 2019-2024

Jun 25, 2019

Today the JPIAMR launches the Roadmap of Actions 2019-2024 that will guide future joint transnational actions of the JPIAMR as well as to serve as an information resource for other strategic initiatives to support coordination and synergistic actions.