The JPIAMR-VRI network AMR DX Global has published a survey about the current state of training, teaching and awareness in AMR diagnostics.
JPIAMR is organising an international hackathon in Stockholm 13-15 December 2019: Hacking AMR 2019 – Using the digital world to fight antimicrobial resistance.
The workshop will bring together experts and researchers from Asia to give insight into Antimicrobial Resistance in Asia with a focus on clinical epidemiology, AMR policy, therapeutics and diagnostics.
Twelve projects involving 55 partners from 25 different countries have been awarded funding within the JPIAMR 9th transnational call: “Call on Diagnostics and Surveillance 2019”. The total funding amount is 12,1 M€.
A design contest to find the first global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol has been launched today by EU-JAMRAI.
ECDC has published today its annual update on antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption in Europe as well as the results of a survey on healthcare workers’ perceptions of antibiotics.
JPIAMR is publishing research output and impact of projects funded in the first JPIAMR Joint Call 2014: “Innovative approaches to address antibacterial resistance”.
JPIAMR participated in the panel on the topic International Activities at the first SEDRIC Global Meeting meeting in London on October 9, 2019.
The EU Council Conclusions reaffirms the challenge of AMR as a top priority for the EU. The Council calls for further support of JPIAMR efforts.
The research networks ARCH and GAP-ONE will have a joint workshop in Verona, Italy, on October 24-25th, 2019.