EC launch in 2015 of Prize on Diagnostics: “Reducing the Mis-use of Antibiotics Prize”

The EC will launch in 2015 a new €1 million prize on Diagnostics: “Reducing the Mis-use of Antibiotics Prize”. This Prize will reward a rapid test that can identify at the point of care patients with upper respiratory tract infections that can be managed safely without antibiotics.

Simultaneously, the UK has announced a £10 million prize “The Longitude Prize 2014” for Antibiotics which will be launched 6 October 2014. The EC Horizon 2020 prize and the UK Longitude Prize are two different but complementary initiatives.

JPIAMR seek ways of cooperation with the Mediterranean area, read more

JPIAMR took part last 15 July in Bari (Italy) on the Inter-Institutional Meeting JPIs-MPCs. The meeting seek ways of cooperation between JPIs and the Mediterranean area. Mainly through the enhancement of research and innovation in the Euro-Mediterranean region by fostering dialogue between policy makers and coordinators or representatives of different Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) that involve or could involve Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPCs).

Click here to download notes from the MPCs-JPI meeting images.PDF SRA


ESOF 2014 concluded

JPIAMR organized a well attended garden reception June 24th for speakers and participants of the ESOF session ‘Antibiotic resistance: a ticking time bomb!’ with keynote speaker Dr. Anne Glover (Chief Scientific Adviser to the President of the European Commission) which was organized by the Swedish research and innovation councils SRC, Formas, Forte and Vinnova.
The Swedish research councils also had a stand during the ESOF2014 on the topic #uselessantibiotics.

Click here for press release

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