SRA Launch Conference concluded

The launch conference for the Strategic Research Agenda was held on April 3 in Brussels. Representation from funding agencies from every continent in addition to researchers and industry representatives made it a highly interesting day. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for contributing to a successful launch!
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New Steering Committee composition

The JPIAMR Steering Committe members for the forthcoming two years are: Mats Ulfendahl (Swe), Ghada Zoubiane (UK), Martin Steinbakk (Nor), Bülent Genç (Ger), Lene Cividanes (Den), and Martijntje Bakker (NL).

We thank Carlos Segovia, Laurent Gutmann, Peter Taylor and Waleria Hryniewicz for their Steering Committee work and welcome the new members to two exciting and productive years!

VINNOVA joins call for Sweden

VINNOVA – Sweden’s Innovation Agency, has joined the InnovaResistance call, making €1.1 million available to Swedish industrial partners. Sweden is already represented in this call by the Swedish Research Council which contributes up to €3 million to Swedish academic partners.