JPIAMR Networks start-up workshop

The JPIAMR launched two network calls in 2018, (1) Surveillance, and (2) Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR-Virtual Research Institute. Within the surveillance call ten networks were funded. Within the JPIAMR-VRI call, eight networks were funded.

On February 19-20, 2019, the coordinators of the funded Networks within both calls met in the Netherlands for the start-up workshop. The Networks discussed alignment and enhanced interactions. The JPIAMR-VRI Networks also worked on future incorporation into the JPIAMR-VRI, and the surveillance networks were introduced to the JPIAMR-VRI and considered whether further interaction within the JPIAMR-VRI could promote and enhance surveillance actions.

Coordinators discussed how to synergise the Networks both within and between the two Network calls. New connections were formed and this led to future interactions such as:

  • Aligning Network activities by increased communication between coordinators
  • Inclusion of coordinators into other Networks
  • Inclusion of coordinators from other Networks to workshops and meetings of interest from the other Networks

Major Conclusions

Networks spanned all of the JPIAMR pillars and were mostly multidisciplinary.

Networks are geographically diverse, involving representatives from countries on all continents.

The gender balance of the Surveillance Networks was 70% male/30% female and for the VRI networks the balance was 75% male/25% female.

The full workshop report, including summaries of all Networks funded within both calls, can be downloaded here.

JPIAMR launches AMR Research Funding Dashboard

An extensive and unique overview of public investments into antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research is available on the newly published JPIAMR Research Funding Dashboard. This dynamic tool inlcudes funding data until the year 2017 from 22 JPIAMR member countries, the European Commission and the Wellcome Trust. The dashboard enables interactive analyses for exploring data on national competitive grants by agency, country, JPIAMR research priority and individual research projects and will serve as a resource for the scientific community, funders, policy makers and others to gain insight into the scale and scope of publicly funded AMR research in member countries of JPIAMR.

The data visualised in the AMR Research Funding Dashboard was collected in the JPIAMR 2017 mapping exercise and is categorised around the JPIAMR Strategic Research Agenda’s (SRA) six priority topics – therapeutics, diagnostics, surveillance, transmission, environment, and interventions.

The mapping recorded a total investment of 1794 M€ in AMR research from a total of 1 939 projects. Of the projects reported, 76.2% of the total investment was recorded for research projects in antibiotic resistance followed by 20.6% in anti-parasitic and 3.2% in anti-fungal resistance research. Analyses on total investments in JPIAMR priority areas indicated that a majority of the grants (57.6%) were dedicated to the priority area therapeutics, followed by diagnostics (13.1%), interventions (11.3%), transmission (7.5%), surveillance (6.7%) and environment (3.8%). Read more in the report on Mapping of AMR research funding (2017).

The JPIAMR 2017 mapping shows that JPIAMR member countries are continuing to increase funding of AMR as a national priority. Although the majority of funding is still directed towards therapeutics as a solution of combatting AMR, increased investments were also observed for the other priority areas. Nevertheless, investments in research on AMR in the environment at national levels are still low. Further national commitments to support funding for detection and prevention of the spread of AMR in a truly “One Health” framework are needed.

Read more on AMR mapping here.

EU Competitive Council Conclusions Calls on Continued Support for JPIs

The Competitiveness Council has adopted conclusions on the governance of the European Research Area, and emphasise the relevance of jointly addressing global challenges within the JPIs.

In the conclusions, the Commission is called upon to continue the support for the joint programming process and the JPIs:

“NOTES the 10th anniversary in 2018 of Joint Programming in ERA with ten Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs); TAKES NOTE of the recent achievements of the ERAC dedicated configuration the High Level Group on Joint Programming (GPC) in fostering the development of long-term strategies for JPIs, establishing a monitoring mechanism for national progress in this area; and the setting up of a new framework for evaluating potential new and existing JPIs; REITERATES the continued relevance of jointly addressing global challenges, especially within the JPIs, and CALLS ON the Commission to continue the support for the joint programming process and the JPIs, in line with policy objectives at national and EU level;”

Draft Council conclusions on the “Governance of the European Research Area” , 22 November 2018, page 6.

Please find the full Council conclusions here.

JPIAMR participating in BIOCOM 2019

JPIAMR is participating in the 12th Berlin Conference on Life Sciences “Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics 2019”, 14–15 March 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Two JPIAMR funded projectswill be highlighted within Scientific Session 1 on Academic Innovations: Dr Jean-Claude Sirard will present the project ABIMMUNE, and Dr Robin Michelet will present the project Combinatorials. Both projects were funded within the 2nd JPIAMR Joint Call, Antimicrobial Resistance through the JPIAMR (2015).

Also, Jonathan Pearce, JPIAMR Steering Committee member, will chair as a panelist in the Plenary Session on funding innovation in AMR.

The conference aims to serve as a platform for SME’s, startups, big pharma, academia, investors and governmental institutions to share ideas, discuss support and strategies to bring new antimicrobials and diagnostics to the market. The conference programme includes policy sessions, technology tracks and will be complemented by investor/funder partnering and poster presentations.

Visit the BIOCOM 2019 website here.

Nine New JPIAMR SAB members

JPIAMR is pleased to welcome nine new members to the Scientific Advisory Board, SAB. The new members have diverse experience in the field of AMR, adding key knowledge and experiences to the whole SAB. Now fifthteen members strong.

The following SAB members have been appointed by the JPIAMR Management Board for the period 2019-2021:

  • Till Bachmann, UK
  • Rafael Cantón, Spain
  • Ramanan Laxminarayan, USA and India
  • Marc Lemonnier, France
  • Luísa Vieira Peixe, Portugal
  • Anngret Schneider, Germany
  • Constance Schultsz, Netherlands
  • Ed Topp, Canada
  • Jordi Vila, Spain

For individual biographies and further information, please click here.

Now Open: Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

The Call on Diagnostics and Surveillance 2019 will fund joint transnational research projects addressing the development of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and methods to detect antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Projects should address the diagnosis of AMR infections in clinical and veterinary settings, or the surveillance of AMR in humans, animals and the environment. The call promotes projects with impact in low and middle income countries (LMICs) in Asia and Africa.

AMR has become one of the major global health and development challenges of the 21st century. The threat of AMR is particularly high in resource-limited and high-risk settings. This is linked to issues such as weak human and animal health systems; diverse means of food production, processing and consumption; food safety and food security; water, hygiene and sanitation challenges; and the global movement of people and goods.

In response to these challenges, the JPIAMR is pleased to launch this joint transnational call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostic and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods.  The call will support research projects that also have the potential for impact in areas where the risk and burden of AMR is greatest, such as in LMIC settings in Asia and Africa. Projects are encouraged to use a One Health approach where relevant.

The total call budget is approx. 20 million Euro.

For full information about the call and the application process, please visit the call page.

The two-step application process (pre-proposal, full proposal) will have the following targeted timetable:

November 15 2018Preannouncement: Antibiotic Awareness Day 2018
December 5 2018Publication of the JPIAMR ERA-NET 2019 Call
February 18 2019 (11:00 CET)Submission deadline for pre-proposals
Mid April 2019Full proposal invitations sent to project coordinators
June 17th 2019 (11:00 CET)Submission deadline for full proposals
Last week September 2019Final funding decision taken by the CSC
Mid October 2019Final funding decision announced to applicants
End of 2019/Early 2020Start of funding

Pre-announcement: Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

JPIAMR is pleased to pre-announce a joint transnational research call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostic and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods.  The call will support research projects that also have the potential for impact in areas where the risk and burden of AMR is greatest, such as in LMIC settings in Asia and Africa. Projects are encouraged to use a One Health approach where relevant.

The projected call budget is approx. 20 million Euro.

To read more about the call, please click here.

The JPIAMR-VRI Joint Call Results – Eight Networks Funded

Eight networks have been awarded funding within the JPIAMR 2018 call for transnational networks “Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute.” Each funded network will receive €50,000 to establish expertise clusters to identify research community needs and develop ideas to form the foundation for the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute (JPIAMR-VRI).

The call was launched in May 2018 and supported by ten research-funding organisations from JPIAMR member countries. Fifteen applications were received, involving 15 coordinators and 323 partners.

To read more on the funded networks, please click here.

Results: JPIAMR Joint Call on Surveillance – Ten Networks Funded

Ten networks have been awarded funding within the JPIAMR 7th transnational call: “2018 Network Call on Surveillance”. Each funded network will receive €50,000 to enhance resource alignment and efforts in the field of AMR surveillance.

The call was launched in May 2018 and supported by ten research-funding organisations from JPIAMR member countries. Sixteen applications were received, involving 364 partners from 63 different countries.

To read more on the funded networks, please click here.

Results: Joint Call on New targets, compounds and tools – Ten Projects Funded

Ten projects have been awarded funding within the JPIAMR 6th transnational call: “Innovations against antibiotic-resistant bacteria: New targets, compounds and tools”. The total funding amount is 12,8 M€.

The call was launched in January 2018 and supported by 16 research-funding organisations from JPIAMR member countries. The primary aim of the call is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address the identification and validation of new targets, the development of new therapies, and new tools for new treatments (including new antibiotics).

104 applications were received, involving 468 partners. In total ten transnational projects were granted funding.

To read more on the funded projects, please click here.