JPIAMR Networks start-up workshop

The JPIAMR launched two network calls in 2018, (1) Surveillance, and (2) Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR-Virtual Research Institute. Within the surveillance call ten networks were funded. Within the JPIAMR-VRI call, eight networks were funded.

On February 19-20, 2019, the coordinators of the funded Networks within both calls met in the Netherlands for the start-up workshop. The Networks discussed alignment and enhanced interactions. The JPIAMR-VRI Networks also worked on future incorporation into the JPIAMR-VRI, and the surveillance networks were introduced to the JPIAMR-VRI and considered whether further interaction within the JPIAMR-VRI could promote and enhance surveillance actions.

Coordinators discussed how to synergise the Networks both within and between the two Network calls. New connections were formed and this led to future interactions such as:

  • Aligning Network activities by increased communication between coordinators
  • Inclusion of coordinators into other Networks
  • Inclusion of coordinators from other Networks to workshops and meetings of interest from the other Networks

Major Conclusions

Networks spanned all of the JPIAMR pillars and were mostly multidisciplinary.

Networks are geographically diverse, involving representatives from countries on all continents.

The gender balance of the Surveillance Networks was 70% male/30% female and for the VRI networks the balance was 75% male/25% female.

The full workshop report, including summaries of all Networks funded within both calls, can be downloaded here.

AMR One-Health Network meets in Brussels

JPIAMRs Laura Marin participates in the meeting on March 12, and presents AMR research-related activities.

The bi-annual EU AMR One-Health Network meetings provides a platform for members to present national action plans/activities, share best practices, discuss policy options and enhance coordination. For the first time, NGOs active in the area are invited, such as: the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME), the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) and the Council of European Dentists (CED) presents an initiative on One Health in undergraduate education.

JPIAMR launches AMR Research Funding Dashboard

An extensive and unique overview of public investments into antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research is available on the newly published JPIAMR Research Funding Dashboard. This dynamic tool inlcudes funding data until the year 2017 from 22 JPIAMR member countries, the European Commission and the Wellcome Trust. The dashboard enables interactive analyses for exploring data on national competitive grants by agency, country, JPIAMR research priority and individual research projects and will serve as a resource for the scientific community, funders, policy makers and others to gain insight into the scale and scope of publicly funded AMR research in member countries of JPIAMR.

The data visualised in the AMR Research Funding Dashboard was collected in the JPIAMR 2017 mapping exercise and is categorised around the JPIAMR Strategic Research Agenda’s (SRA) six priority topics – therapeutics, diagnostics, surveillance, transmission, environment, and interventions.

The mapping recorded a total investment of 1794 M€ in AMR research from a total of 1 939 projects. Of the projects reported, 76.2% of the total investment was recorded for research projects in antibiotic resistance followed by 20.6% in anti-parasitic and 3.2% in anti-fungal resistance research. Analyses on total investments in JPIAMR priority areas indicated that a majority of the grants (57.6%) were dedicated to the priority area therapeutics, followed by diagnostics (13.1%), interventions (11.3%), transmission (7.5%), surveillance (6.7%) and environment (3.8%). Read more in the report on Mapping of AMR research funding (2017).

The JPIAMR 2017 mapping shows that JPIAMR member countries are continuing to increase funding of AMR as a national priority. Although the majority of funding is still directed towards therapeutics as a solution of combatting AMR, increased investments were also observed for the other priority areas. Nevertheless, investments in research on AMR in the environment at national levels are still low. Further national commitments to support funding for detection and prevention of the spread of AMR in a truly “One Health” framework are needed.

Read more on AMR mapping here.

EU Competitive Council Conclusions Calls on Continued Support for JPIs

The Competitiveness Council has adopted conclusions on the governance of the European Research Area, and emphasise the relevance of jointly addressing global challenges within the JPIs.

In the conclusions, the Commission is called upon to continue the support for the joint programming process and the JPIs:

“NOTES the 10th anniversary in 2018 of Joint Programming in ERA with ten Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs); TAKES NOTE of the recent achievements of the ERAC dedicated configuration the High Level Group on Joint Programming (GPC) in fostering the development of long-term strategies for JPIs, establishing a monitoring mechanism for national progress in this area; and the setting up of a new framework for evaluating potential new and existing JPIs; REITERATES the continued relevance of jointly addressing global challenges, especially within the JPIs, and CALLS ON the Commission to continue the support for the joint programming process and the JPIs, in line with policy objectives at national and EU level;”

Draft Council conclusions on the “Governance of the European Research Area” , 22 November 2018, page 6.

Please find the full Council conclusions here.

JPIAMR participating in BIOCOM 2019

JPIAMR is participating in the 12th Berlin Conference on Life Sciences “Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics 2019”, 14–15 March 2019, Berlin, Germany.

Two JPIAMR funded projectswill be highlighted within Scientific Session 1 on Academic Innovations: Dr Jean-Claude Sirard will present the project ABIMMUNE, and Dr Robin Michelet will present the project Combinatorials. Both projects were funded within the 2nd JPIAMR Joint Call, Antimicrobial Resistance through the JPIAMR (2015).

Also, Jonathan Pearce, JPIAMR Steering Committee member, will chair as a panelist in the Plenary Session on funding innovation in AMR.

The conference aims to serve as a platform for SME’s, startups, big pharma, academia, investors and governmental institutions to share ideas, discuss support and strategies to bring new antimicrobials and diagnostics to the market. The conference programme includes policy sessions, technology tracks and will be complemented by investor/funder partnering and poster presentations.

Visit the BIOCOM 2019 website here.

Denmark has Joined the Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

We are very happy to share with you that Denmark has joined the JPIAMR joint call on AMR diagnostics and surveillance.

The total budget for the call is now 20.06 M €.

If you have questions regarding the call, please contact the Call Secretariat via e-mail:

With more than 40 countries included in the call, it now spans from Europe to Canada to the major part of African countries and beyond Asia with China, India and many other Asian countries included. This creates a host of opportunities for collaboration and truly shows the global reach and capacities of JPIAMR. The full list of criteria to apply for the call is found on the call page.

The call closes on February 18, 2019. So, we encourage everyone to keep sharing the links on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn about the call, in order to include even more researchers as applicants. Also, we are keen to spread the information in groups on WhatsApp.

Startup Workshop for Funded Networks

A startup workshop will be taking place in the Netherlands on February 19-20 to kickoff activities for all Networks from the two Transnational Network calls launched by JPIAMR in 2018: JPIAMR Network Call on Surveillance and
JPIAMR-VRI Network Call 2018

Workshop Objectives

The workshop aims to explore opportunities for future research collaborations, synergies and partnerships both between applicants and with external partner, between networks within each call, and between calls if appropriate. In addition to this, the workshop aims to create an overview of network activities within the funding period to enhance alignment and coordination, and support communication of network outputs by the JPIAMR.

Eighteen networks (ten in surveillance and eight in JPIAMR-VRI) have been funded with approximately €50,000 to enhance resource alignment and efforts in the field of AMR surveillance and to help build the JPIAMR-VRI. Two of the funded networks in each of the calls received additional funding to coordinate this start-up meeting. A final workshop is also planned for April 2020.

Trailer – Overview of AMR science policy and funding

JPIAMRs Laura Marin presents the article published in the journal Trends in Microbiology on AMR, science policy, innovation, public health and funding. The article summarises the many recent AMR projects (JPIAMR, TATFAR, CARB-X, GARDP, ND4BB , G7/ G20 Health Ministers, and more) and is a good general reference and entry to the AMR community. The article is co-authored by Arjon Van Hengel (Directorate-General for Research & Innovation, European Commission) and Laura Marin (JPIAMR).


Nine New JPIAMR SAB members

JPIAMR is pleased to welcome nine new members to the Scientific Advisory Board, SAB. The new members have diverse experience in the field of AMR, adding key knowledge and experiences to the whole SAB. Now fifthteen members strong.

The following SAB members have been appointed by the JPIAMR Management Board for the period 2019-2021:

  • Till Bachmann, UK
  • Rafael Cantón, Spain
  • Ramanan Laxminarayan, USA and India
  • Marc Lemonnier, France
  • Luísa Vieira Peixe, Portugal
  • Anngret Schneider, Germany
  • Constance Schultsz, Netherlands
  • Ed Topp, Canada
  • Jordi Vila, Spain

For individual biographies and further information, please click here.

Kick-off: ECRAID, the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases

JPIAMR will be participating in a high-level meeting in Brussels, on January 17th 2019, on the development of ECRAID, the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases. ECRAID envisages a European-wide sustainable clinical research organization for infectious diseases and AMR, antimicrobial resistance. Laura Marin, JPIAMR Head of Secretariat, will participate in panels, etc.

ECRAID’s vision is to create a coordinated and permanent European clinical research infrastructure for clinical research on infectious diseases.  The focus is on two major challenges: emerging infectious diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential, caused by new or re-emerging pathogens, and AMR (antimicrobial resistance). ECRAID will be enable clinical research to be faster and easier having rapid access to and knowledge of developed clinical and laboratory sites. Trials will be conducted continuously to expand on knowledge and experience.

The organisations aim is to protect public health by generating evidence in order to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.  The ECRAID mission is to facilitate and develop world class research to protect citizens of Europe against AMR (antimicrobial resistance) and infectious diseases, over the long term. Professor Herman Goossens together with epidemiologist Marc Bonten, is the project coordinators of ECRAID.

There will be panel discussions with clinical research networks, preclinical research networks, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies,
SMEs, etc. Together with speakers such as EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas, Herman Goossens, Marc Bonten, Magda Chlebus, Executive Director, Science Policy & Regulatory Affairs, EFPIA and Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust, and others. This is a closed meeting.