Extended deadline for JPIAMR’s survey on AMR Research Infrastructures

 The deadline for completing the survey on AMR research infrastructures has been extended until 15 April 2015. If you haven’t yet taken part in the survey, why not do so now. With this short survey, the JPIAMR hopes to identify the needs and wishes of the AMR scientific community regarding the collaboration with and use of RIs. We would also like to know whether there is an opportunity for the JPIAMR to help bring people working in RIs and AMR (closer) together, and if so, in what way(s).If you are interested in taking part in the survey, click here. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JPIAMR-RIs


JPIAMR welcomes new Scientific Advisory Board Vice-Chair Laura Piddock

Far more money needs to be invested into global drug research to tackle the impending crisis of antimicrobial resistance, reports economist Jim O’Neill in his initial recommendations to the UK Government on 5 February this year. “Drug-resistant infections will kill an extra 10 million people a year by 2050,” warns O’Neill.
Laura Piddock, new vice-chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) agrees: “The time to make up the gap between funding of chronic disease and AMR is now. Many practices of modern medicine – from chemotherapy to surgery – are only made possible by antibiotics.”
Laura brings with her extensive expertise in the AMR field to make sure JPIAMR’s scientific focus follows the identified strategic route. She is Professor of Microbiology at the University of Birmingham where she runs the Antimicrobials Research Group. She is also the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Chair in Public Engagement and in this role is the Director of Antibiotic Action. Her current research focuses on understanding mechanisms of antibiotic resistance as a basis for drug discovery.
“The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance bridges the gap between the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and European AMR strategies. The only way we can solve the problem of antibiotic resistance is to pool resources worldwide and JPIAMR can help do this, “ said Laura.
The JPIAMR has so far focused on developing a Strategic Research Agenda, a blue print to focus worldwide research efforts and a guideline for research funding. Following the recommendations in the agenda will allow future research actions to systematically tackle the problem of AMR. “The Strategic Research Agenda, which was launched in April 2014, has been widely praised by for example Jim O’Neill,” said Laura. “Now we must work to implement the agenda,” she continued.
2014 saw JPIAMR launch its first call for research proposals based on the contribution of national funding agencies. Laura was part of a consortium that applied but was not successful. She said: “When I saw the funded projects I didn’t feel so disappointed to be turned down. They are really excellent. It shows that JPIAMR is attracting the very best.”
The only way to tackle the problem of AMR is to understand resistance, change behaviour and to find new treatments. Laura emphasised that to reach this goal, it is very important that JPIAMR funds research covering all aspects from basic research through to very applied research.
“There really isn’t enough funding at the moment, as the O’Neill report found, and so far, funding has been skew towards either basic or clinical research but not much linking the two,” said Laura. There is also a real need to attract more young researchers as this will stimulate innovation and boost the field further. JPIAMR is planning to launch more calls in 2015 by linking up with the European Commission’s ERA-Net scheme in addition to other JPIAMR calls. Ultimately, the initiative aims to create a truly integrated funding landscape for AMR research.
In addition, JPIAMR has been busy mapping current funding in the EU member states to help prevent replication of research funding during a time when little funding is available. “The mapping will tell us whether countries are funding AMR at an adequate level or if there is a need to re-align national funding policies to include AMR.”
Ultimately, human mismanagement of antibiotics has allowed bacteria to develop resistance to treatment. It is now our responsibility to try to understand how we can return to an era where antibiotics are again the miracle cures they once were.

Further info:
Laura Piddock
Laura Piddock is Professor of Microbiology. Since she started her PhD in 1982, she has been at the forefront of antimicrobial research. Laura started her career in a clinical environment and has successfully integrated this background with academic research. She has published 163 original articles in international peer reviewed journals, 47 invited review articles, 21 research letters, 133 conference proceedings and six chapters in academic books.



JPIAMR supports the Swedish Government’s initiative to adopt a ‘One Health’ approach against antibiotic resistance

Mats Ulfendahl, chair of the JPIAMR management board, welcomes the Government’s message to adopt a ‘One Health’ approach to tackle the global problem of antibiotic resistance. This communication comes after a meeting on 9 March 2015 where Ulfendahl was an advisor to Swedish representatives from the Agricultural, Education and Research and Health ministries.

The Swedish Government recognises the importance of international collaboration as well as cross-disciplinary work to be able to understand and develop new techniques to counteract antibiotic resistance and mentions the JPIAMR as an important initiative working towards this goal.
Read more.

JPIAMR launches a survey on Research Infrastructures; deadline March 29 2015. Click here for more information.

Survey on Research Infrastructures and AMR

The JPIAMR is conducting a short survey on knowledge about and use of Research Infrastructures (RI’s) within the field of antimicrobial resistance. The survey is open to all scientists and other interested parties who are involved in this field.

With this short survey, the JPIAMR would like to identify the needs and wishes of the AMR scientific community regarding the collaboration with and use of RIs. Moreover, we would like to know whether there is an opportunity for the JPIAMR to help bring people working in RIs and AMR (closer) together, and if so, in what way(s).

The survey can be accessed at:


The survey can be completed using all current web browsers, but is best viewed using Mozilla Firefox.
The deadline for completion of the survey is March 29, 2015.

Questions regarding the survey should be directed to the JPIAMR-team at jpiamr@zonmw.nl.



European Commission launches €1m prize for a diagnostic test to combat antibiotic resistance

A prize of €1 million will be awarded to the person or team that develops a rapid test to tell whether a patient needs to be treated with antibiotics or not, the European Commission announced today. The aim of the Horizon Prize for better use of antibiotics is to stop many patients from taking antibiotics needlessly, which is one of the main reasons for the rise of antimicrobial resistance. European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation Carlos Moedas said: “Growing resistance to antibiotics is one of the biggest challenges to public health today. We need to find new ways to prevent people from dying from infections that have been treatable for decades, until resistance rendered our drugs ineffective. We need to bring new classes of antibiotics to market and we need to take preventative measures to stop antibiotics being over-prescribed and over-used. Under Horizon 2020 we are continuing to help save lives and reduce the €1.5 billion in healthcare expenses and productivity losses the EU incurs each year from drug-resistant infections.” For more information read:

The full news alert



JPIAMR welcome the AMR Review today’s report “Tackling a global health crisis: Initial steps”. Read more.

JPIAMR welcome the AMR Review today’s report “Tackling a global health crisis: Initial steps” and the focus on constructive actions to tackle AMR. As the primary focus of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) is to promote research on AMR we strongly support the idea of setting up a global fund for research and innovation to support early-stage science. Click here to view the article.