WHO global surveillance report on Antimicrobial resistance

In its first global evaluation of surveillance and information on antimicrobial resistance, the World Health Organization (WHO) called attention to increasing levels of bacterial resistance to many common drugs. The report, titled “Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance, 2014” revealed that antimicrobial resistance has spread to all regions of the world, making it clear that “a post-antibiotic era…far from being an apocalyptic fantasy, is instead a very real possibility for the 21st century.” In light of these findings, CDDEP has compiled a list of resources and recent publications related to antimicrobial resistance.
The report has an extensive media coverage around Europe:




Source: WHO

SRA Launch Conference concluded

The launch conference for the Strategic Research Agenda was held on April 3 in Brussels. Representation from funding agencies from every continent in addition to researchers and industry representatives made it a highly interesting day. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for contributing to a successful launch!
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