Strategic Research Agenda adopted

The management board has accepted the final SRA draft as the official SRA of JPIAMR. After several years of work and a very intensive 2013, the SRA is now finalized and will be made public in early 2014. The final version considers all the comments and input from the autumn public and national consultations and will serve as a base for JPIAMR activities for years to come. We would like to express our gratitude to all who have contributed to this very important document!
Strategic Research Agenda

The European Commission convenes high-level conference to take stock on anti-microbial resistance in Europe

A conference organised by the European Commission on the European antimicrobial resistance (AMR) five year action plan and its future challenges is taking place in Brussels on 11 December 2013. The conference provides a platform to discuss this action plan at the mid-stage of its implementation, looking at the issue both from a human health and veterinary perspective.

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Antimicrobial Resistance at the World Health Summit 2013

The JPI AMR has participated this week at the World Health Summit 2013 with a dedicated symposium on “Current Challenges in Combating Antimicrobial Resistances”.
The World Health Summit has been held in Berlin from October 20-22, 2013 with the aim to improved Health worldwide, catalyzed through collaboration and open dialogue, setting tomorrow`s agenda for improved research, education, Health care and policy outcomes.
How can we support synergies between Health and other sectors? How can we develop shared solutions to drive people-centered, inclusive development? These are only two of the questions, the World Health Summit 2013 has address and AMR has been one of the few thematic areas discussed highlighted its increasing relevance in the Health policy area.

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