Working together, with you and for you

The COVID-19 pandemic has made a huge impact on all of us but also made us more certain than ever that collaboration across borders and disciplines is the way forward. The need for science is more important than ever!

Being part of JPIAMR, an organisation supporting research and coordinating resources in these challenging times is very motivating. Together, the JPIAMR member countries create opportunities and enable research on antimicrobial resistance with a One Health approach across the globe. Important work have been carried out no matter of the many changes and hurdles presented in 2020.

Antibiotic resistance is already a serious challenge and we could only imagine what it would be like to be in an ”AMR-pandemic”. So we need to prepare for solutions and collaborations to curb AMR on a global scale. We need to keep working together.

JPIAMR has continued the work in 2020 in this spirit. We have awarded funding to seven new networks, launched a research call on water pollutants in collaboration with JPI Water and JPI Oceans, developed research infrastructures dashboards, created a new ERAnet Co-fund JPIAMR-ACTION and organised virtual meetings, scientific workshops and webinars.

– I am very pleased and impressed how JPIAMR has been able to adapt to the new conditions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Together with digital workshops and webinars, launched to facilitate knowledge exchanges and sharing of research results despite travel restrictions, funding of different networks by JPIAMR has demonstrated the importance of research collaborations across borders, says Jan-Ingvar Jönsson, JPIAMR Chair.

JPIAMR launched this year a new Implementation Plan for the years 2021-23 and advanced the design of the future One Health AMR Partnership. We enter the new year with several exciting activities and research opportunities. The focus for the coming year is already set, and we look forward to collaborations across borders and disciplines. Doing what we are set do to and best at: Making countries work together on AMR research with a One Health approach. We are working together, with you and for you.

– Laying the foundations for the One Health AMR partnership is a very stimulating enterprise. Research collaborations among countries and organisations are a critical element of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, addressing the ever increasing AMR global threat will need countries to come together. In this context, the future for the One Health AMR Partnership looks bright, even if the challenges are manifold, says Marie-Paule Kieny, JPIAMR Vice-Chair.

Launch of call January 14th, 2021

More information on the upcoming call “One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of AMR”, including a partner search tool is now available.

Pre-announcement: One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of AMR

Early 2021 an international call for projects will be launched under the umbrella of the JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION. The call, that will receive financial support from the European Commission, will include 30 funding organisations from 21 JPIAMR member countries. Proposals will be evaluated in a two-step procedure (pre-proposals/full proposals). The call will be launched on January 14th, 2021 and applicants will have up to March 16th, 2021, 12:00 (CET) to submit their pre-proposals.

A match-making partner search tool has been created for applicants, to facilitate networking and the creation of consortia.

Visit the call webpage for updated information on the context and topic of the call and to access the partner search tool:

Results Network Plus Call 2020

Seven networks have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 10th transnational call: “JPIAMR Network Plus 2020”.

Seven networks including 146 partners from 35 countries have been recommended for funding within the JPIAMR 10th transnational call: “JPIAMR Network Plus 2020”. The total funding amount is approx. 737.000 €.

The call was launched in February 2020 and supported by research-funding organisations from eight JPIAMR member countries.

The intent of the call was to support networks to design and implement ways to support AMR research considering at least one of the six strategic areas of the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA): Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Surveillance, Transmission, Environment and Interventions. Networks should develop and implement activities focusing on AMR within the domains of Human health, Animal health and the Environment. The Networks were encouraged to bridge multiple One Health areas as needed and to consider the incorporation of their activities within the JPIAMR-Virtual Research Institute (JPIAMR-VRI).

Read more and see list of all networks recommended for funding.

First global antibiotic resistance symbol unveiled

Discover the first global #AntibioticResistanceSymbol, chosen by the jury among the 600 applications. The winning design is made by David Ljungberg, a Swedish Product Designer and Art Director.

Discover the first global #AntibioticResistanceSymbol, chosen by the jury among the 600 applications representing 44 countries.
The winning design is made by David Ljungberg, a Swedish Product Designer and Art Director. The symbol is tangible and conveys the message that we need to understand the gravity of antibiotic resistance, that we need to care and that we can fix it – together.

A campaign to promote and present the all new symbol is underway with a peak during this year’s World Antibiotic Awareness Week.
The design contest was organized by EU-JAMRAI and for more information about the symbol, please view here.

Workshop Report – Interventions to Reduce the Development and Transmission of AMR

We are happy to share the report of the recent online workshop entitled “Interventions to Reduce the Development and Transmission of AMR”. The workshop was hosted by The French National Research Agency (ANR), in close colla

We are happy to share the report of the recent online workshop hosted by The French National Research Agency (ANR).

We are happy to share the report of the recent online workshop entitled “Interventions to Reduce the Development and Transmission of AMR”. The workshop was hosted by The French National Research Agency (ANR), in close collaboration with JPIAMR. Please find the full report here.

Public Report: Antimicrobial Resistance Survey

A rapport is now available on the survey about collections of biological material, databases and services relevant for AMR research that was performed earlier this year by ZonMw, on behalf of JPIAMR and VALUE-Dx.

ZonMw (the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development) performed, on behalf of JPIAMR and the recently started consortium VALUE-Dx, a survey on resources (collections of biological material and databases) that are relevant for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) research. In parallel information was collected about services that are provided by research infrastructures and some biobanks.

It is with pleasure that we now share the public report on the survey set out to create an overview of resources and services related to antimicrobial resistance research. Read report. 

The results are also presented in a series of dashboard that can be used by the entire AMR research community. Read more.

Another survey will be set out to collect more detailed information about individual resources and services, and to address issues related to their findability, reuse, sustainability, and quality. For the next survey we strive to use a machine-readable metadata scheme, ensuring that the input is documented according to a standardised & community-agreed description, is interoperable, and remains up-to-date!

Contact: (please use heading ‘AMR survey’)

New Dashboard on AMR Resources and Services

JPIAMR is launching interactive dashboards to provide an overview of AMR specific collections of biological materials, databases and research infrastructure services.

JPIAMR, in collaboration with the IMI-consortium VALUE-Dx, has collected information through a survey on existing resources and services that are relevant for AMR research from all the One Health domains: human, animal and environment. JPIAMR has now translated this overview into interactive dashboards. This will contribute to improving findability, reusability and sustainability of resources and services for the AMR research community.

Read more and visit the dashboards.

Live webinar – GARDP and JPIAMR collaboration

GARDP is organising a live webinar on October 8th on the topic “Exploring safety issues in antimicrobial drug development”.

GARDP is organising a live webinar on October 8th: Exploring safety issues in antimicrobial drug development.

This webinar was developed in collaboration with CARB-X, JPIAMR, REPAIR Impact Fund, Wellcome Trust, ASM and ESCMID. It is part of the ‘Antibiotic Bootcamps for Developers’ series which have been developed by GARDP and its partners at the ‘ASM/ESCMID Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance’ since 2017. As this years’ conference could not be held, the content was developed under the umbrella of the REVIVE webinar series.

Read more and register.

Live webinar on managing COVID-19 and AMR

JPIAMR will hold the final webinar in the AMR research in a post-pandemic world series on September 18.

JPIAMR will hold the final webinar in the AMR research in a post-pandemic world series.

How do we simultaneously manage the acute COVID-19 pandemic and escalating antibiotic resistance

September 18, 14.00-15.00 CEST

Key topics:

-How do we leverage the COVID-19 pandemic to address AMR in different settings?

-What do the clinical and scientific communities need to do to continue to raise awareness of the AMR topic?

Our distinguished panel discusses how to manage and meet the challenges of an ongoing pandemic intertwined with increasing antibiotic resistance.

The webinar will be moderated by Constance Schultsz (University of Amsterdam) and panellists include Charu Kaushic (GloPID-R), Steven Hoffman (Global Strategy Lab), Margo Warren (Access to Medicine Foundation), Ghada Zoubiane (ICARS), Sabiha Essack (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Otto Cars (ReAct) and Ramanan Laxminarayan (CDDEP )

Further details of the webinar and registration can be found at the webinar webpage: How do we simultaneously manage the acute COVID-19 pandemic and escalating antibiotic resistance?

Webinar output: Facilitating AMR research in the COVID-19 pandemic

Key takeaways and a video recording of the second live webinar in the JPIAMR webinar series on AMR in a post-pandemic world are now available.

The second live webinar in the JPIAMR webinar series on AMR in a post-pandemic world, Facilitating AMR research in the COVID-19 pandemicwas held on the 25th of June. 

The webinar panel was moderated by Till Bachmann (UK), with the panellists Herman Goossens (BE), Rafael Canton (ES), Adam Roberts (UK), Birgitta Henriques Normark (SE), Neil Clancy (US), George Haringhuizen (NL) and Benedikt Huttner (WHO).

The key takeaways from the webinar are:

  • Disruption of research and surveillance of AMR in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • There are many knowledge gaps in the current pandemic scenario, such as:
    • Data on bacterial and fungal co-infections and superinfections, including AMR patterns
    • Understanding of the impact of clinical antibiotic use on community and environmental spread of AMR
    • Understanding of the cause of death from autopsy studies: to recognise whether patients die ‘of’ or ‘with’ bacterial infections
  • Community use of antibiotics have decreased dramatically during the pandemic
  • Rapid diagnostics needed before onset of influenza season
  • Urgent need of prioritised sample collection through biobanks

A video recording of the full webinar is now available:

Webinar video: Facilitating AMR research in the COVID-19 pandemic

Other seminars in this series: Antibiotic Use: Have antibiotics been appropriately used in the COVID-19 pandemic? 

More information on the webinar series AMR research in a post pandemic world