The Knowledge Hub provides access to a collection of in-house or external resources, data platforms and services to increase coordination of the AMR research networks.
JPIAMR is providing here access to a collection of in-house or external assets (information, data, products or services) to increase coordination, improve visibility of the AMR research networks, research performing institutes/centres and infrastructures, and to facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development across the globe, covering the full One Health spectrum. This aligns with the vision of the JPIAMR-VRI and its various components as represented in the digital platform’s mind map below.

JPIAMR supported AMR research database
The JPIAMR project database presents information on projects and networks supported under the various calls coordinated by the JPIAMR. The database allows users to explore interactive data by investments in AMR research priority areas (as defined in the JPIAMR Strategic Research Innovation Agenda), countries of the researchers involved and details of the individual research projects and networks.
AMR data platforms
This section includes collection of resources for early drug discovery, antibiotic pipeline, alternatives to antibiotics including links to chemical libraries, surveillance datasets and antibiotic stewardship guidelines to uncover hidden insights and unlock value of these siloed data sets.
Read more and visit the AMR data platforms
Research funding datahub
Resources listed here provide knowledge on investment in AMR research and innovation landscape to determine what has already been funded across the different areas, what is still required in order to set strategic priorities and to avoid duplication and identify potential partnering opportunities.
Visit the research funding datahub
Research infrastructure platforms
JPIAMR has created an overview of AMR specific collections of biological materials, databases and research infrastructure services.
The section also provides an overview of the relevant research infrastructure (RI) platforms that are available and provide information about biological and biomedical resources and services.