Find here all the strategic documents, policy papers, guidelines, activity reports and workshop reports of JPIAMR. Click on the green shortcuts above to go directly to a category of documents.
Strategy and policy documents
- JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, SRIA, version 2021 (pdf 2 MB)
- JPIAMR Roadmap of Actions 2019-2024 (pdf 1 MB)
- JPIAMR Future Strategy 2020-2025 (pdf 1 MB)
- JPIAMR Terms of Reference March 2020 (pdf 0,5 MB)
- JPIAMR Implementation Plan 2021-2023 (pdf 0,3 MB)
- Evaluation policy (pdf 0,5 MB)
- Framework for monitoring and evaluating JPIAMR (pdf 0,5 MB)
- Alignment plan (pdf 0,3 MB)
- Membership policy (pdf 0,2 MB)
- JPIAMR General Call Procedures, version 2022-11-14 (pdf 0,5 MB)
- JPIAMR Guideline for applicants, version 2020-12-10 (pdf 0,4 MB)
- JPIAMR Research project no-cost extension request form, version 2022-11-14 (Word 0,1 MB)
JPIAMR activity reports
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2023 (pdf 2 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2022 (pdf 1 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2021 (pdf 2 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2020 (pdf 1,4 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2019 (pdf 2 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2018 (pdf 1 MB)
- JPIAMR Activity Report 2017 (pdf 0,7 MB)
DESIGN OHAMR documents
OHAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The first draft of the European Partnership OHAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, SRIA, has been developed through a number of consultations. The draft SRIA and the different consultation reports can be found below.
- OHAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (pdf 3 MB)
- Research and Innovation Objectives of the SRIA (pdf 2 MB)
Click on the name of the consultation to download the report in pdf.
- Prioritisation Workshop: Development of the Roadmap of Actions for the European One Health AMR Partnership, 15-16 May 2023, Berlin, Germany
- OHAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda consultation, March-April 2023, online survey
- Social sciences in AMR research and innovation, 10 January 2023, online
- Research and Innovation Objectives Consultation, December 2022-January 2023, online survey
- Portfolio of Funding Instruments for the OHAMR Partnership, 7 December 2022, online
- Environmental dimensions on AMR, 22-27 September 2022, EDAR6 conference, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Tackling the emerging threat of fungal drug resistance, 23 June 2022, online
- Developing Diagnostic tools for Drug Resistant Infections for Human and Animal Health, 22 June 2022, online
- Developing Novel Antimicrobial Therapeutics, 21 June 2022, online
- Vaccination as a strategy to combat Antimicrobial Resistance, 17 June 2022, online
- Supporting measures to mitigate AMR in One Health settings, 13-14 2022 June, online
- New Perspectives on Bacterial Drug Resistance, 9 June 2022, online
- Supporting research and innovation on One Health AMR Surveillance, 23-24 March 2022, online
OHAMR Roadmap of Actions
The draft Roadmap of Actions has been developed by DESIGN OH AMR partners, future potential partners of OHAMR and additional experts and through several consultations with stakeholders.
- Draft Roadmap of Actions, March 2024 (pdf 4 MB)
- Consultation Report OHAMR Roadmap of Actions (pdf 0,6 MB)
Workshop reports
Click on the name of the workshop to download the report in pdf. All the reports from the OHAMR consultations conducted in 2022 and 2023 can be found above.
- JPIAMR Start Up Workshop for projects funded under the call: One Health interventions to prevent or reduce the development and transmission of AMR, 28 April 2022, online
- African Perspectives on AMR Surveillance and Wastewater Management workshop, 9 December 2021, online
- Microbial Bioinformatics Hackathon and Workshop, 11-15 October 2021, online
- JPIAMR Junior Researchers Workshop, 29-30 June 2021, online
- JPIAMR Network Plus 2020 Start Up meeting, 23 June 2021, online
- JPIAMR Therapeutics workshop: Feeding the AMR Therapeutics Pipeline, 20-22 April 2021, online
- JPIAMR-EU-JAMRAI workshop, 23 February 2021, online
- Follow-up workshop on Networks funded in the JPIAMR Network Call on Surveillance, 9 September 2020, online
- Interventions to Reduce the Development and Transmission of AMR, 3-4 September 2020, online
- Hacking AMR, 13-15 December 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
- JPIAMR Regional Workshop in Eastern Europe, 5-6 December 2019, Bucharest, Romania
- JPIAMR Regional Workshop in Asia, 4-5 December 2019, Suwon, South Korea
- JPIAMR Regional Workshop in Latin America, 5-7 June 2019, Buenos Aires
- JPIAMR transnational networks start-up workshop, 19-20 February 2018, Brussels, Belgium
- Maximising existing and future research efforts and resource alignment to combat AMR, 8-9 March 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Setting the scene for a JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute, 8-9 November 2017, Berlin, Germany
- Environmental dimensions of AMR, 27-28 September 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Early discovery of new antibiotics, 12-13 January 2017, Paris, France
- The interplay between AMR surveillance and science, 12-13 October 2016, Oslo, Norway
- Transatlantic collaboration on clinical trials related to antimicrobial resistance, 21-22 January 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
- New frontiers in antibacterial resistance research, 20-21 January 2016, Stockholm, Sweden
- Intergovernmental workshop, 17 November 2015, Paris, France
- Transmission dynamics workshop, 12 October 2015, Berlin, Germany
- Diagnostics workshop, 11 May 2015, London, UK
- SRA launch conference, 3 April 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Other reports
- JPIAMR therapeutics discovery pipeline: Outputs, outcomes and impact of the funded projects and networks in the Therapeutics priority topic of the JPIAMR-SRIA (May 2022, pdf 0,8 MB)
- 2016 call on AMR Transmission Dynamics: Research outputs, outcome and impact of the projects (December 2021, pdf 1 MB)
- Mapping of AMR research funding, 2017 (pdf 0,5 MB)
- Mapping of AMR research funding, 2014 (pdf 2 MB)
- Good Practice Case Study within ERA-LEARN 2020: JPIAMR’s Approach to Policy Coordination
- Report on survey on cross-border collaboration in infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance (pdf 0,5 MB)