Live webinar – GARDP and JPIAMR collaboration

GARDP is organising a live webinar on October 8th on the topic “Exploring safety issues in antimicrobial drug development”.

GARDP is organising a live webinar on October 8th: Exploring safety issues in antimicrobial drug development.

This webinar was developed in collaboration with CARB-X, JPIAMR, REPAIR Impact Fund, Wellcome Trust, ASM and ESCMID. It is part of the ‘Antibiotic Bootcamps for Developers’ series which have been developed by GARDP and its partners at the ‘ASM/ESCMID Conference on Drug Development to Meet the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance’ since 2017. As this years’ conference could not be held, the content was developed under the umbrella of the REVIVE webinar series.

Read more and register.

Call open to viral-bacterial co-infection Networks!

Networks working on AMR in the context of viral-bacterial co-infections, including those working with Covid-19, are eligible to apply for the call.

The intent of the call “JPIAMR Network Plus 2020” is to support networks to design and implement ways to support AMR research considering at least one of the six strategic areas of the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda: Therapeutics, Diagnostics, Surveillance, Transmission, Environment and Interventions. Networks should develop and implement activities focusing on AMR within the domains of Human health, Animal health and the Environment. Networks working on AMR in the context of viral-bacterial co-infections, including those working with Covid-19, are eligible to apply for the call.

The tenth JPIAMR joint call for transnational networks is in partnership with seven JPIAMR member countries; Canada, France, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. The deadline for submission of applications is May 28th, 17.00 CET. Read more here.

Winners of Hacking AMR 2019

The grand prize in the Hacking AMR 2019 event that was arranged in Stockholm, Sweden, 13-15 December was won by team ‘Mission Prescription’. The winning project presented an idea to support doctors in their prescribing behaviours by providing them with a tool to monitor their own prescribing in relation to the rest of the medical community. This type of intervention has the goal to reduce incorrect use of antibiotics.

The members in team ‘Mission Prescription’ were, from back row, left to right, in picture above: David Barber, Family Physician and researcher, Queen’s University, Canada; Lennard Epping, PhD student, Robert Koch Institute, Germany; David Hinrichs, Data scientist, Robert Koch Institute, Germany; Sabrina Wong, Health researcher and nurse, Canada; Vendela Wiener, Public Health Agency of Sweden; Sumeet Tiwari, PhD student, Robert Koch Institute, Germany. Missing in picture is Ewan Gray, Researcher, University of Edinburgh, UK.

The People’s choice award and Honourable Mention went to team ‘The Waiting Game’ who developed the concept for a game that can be played while a patient is in a doctor’s waiting room. The goal of the game is to educate the patient on AMR, limiting requests for unnecessary antibiotics.

The aim of the Hacking AMR 2019 hackathon was to bring together scientists, designers, patients, developers, innovators, students and entrepreneurs to collaborate, dream up & create solutions to real-world problems to improve human, animal and environmental health and wellbeing with regards to Antimicrobial Resistance. During the hackathon 40 participants formed seven different teams and worked on diverse digital solutions to AMR.

Royalty free photos by Eva Garmendia.

Hacking AMR 2019 is a Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance – Virtual Research Institute (JPIAMR-VRI) activity organised by the Swedish Research Council, Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Research Council of Norway, Uppsala Antibiotic Center (UAC), and the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Medical School. Hacking Health Foundation were consultants for Hacking AMR 2019.

Showreel about the workshop

Design contest for first global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol

A design contest to find the first global Antibiotic Resistance symbol has been launched today by the European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI). The contest is not about creating another logo, it should be something tangible that can be crafted by anyone and worn by everyone; like the AIDS ribbon. Be a changemaker and take part in the contest or encourage the public to participate!

Read more on the contest at the EU-JAMRAI website (link, opens in a new window)

Read the EU-JAMRAI press release (pdf, opens in a new window)

AMR top priority in European Council Conclusions

We want to highlight this summers EU Council Conclusions (through the EU Ministers of Health) that reaffirms the challenge of AMR as a top priority for the EU. The Conclusions indicate that EU Member States should be supported in their efforts to combat AMR, but they also need to do more at national level. The Council agrees that the European Commission and EU Member States should further support JPIAMR efforts:

“The Council notes with great concern the market failure in antibiotic development and underlines the need for urgent action to stimulate the development of new antimicrobials, alternative therapies and rapid and modern diagnostics, including methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. EU and global coordination and cooperation on research programmes and incentives are needed, and the Council recognises, inter alia, the proposals and activities of the ‘Antimicrobial Resistance Review team’, the ‘Breaking Through the Wall’ report and the ‘Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance’.” (see p.8)

Calls upon Member States and the Commission to: Boost research, development and innovation related to AMR, and support EU and global coordination and cooperation including activities through the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance and the Global AMR R&D Hub. (see p. 12)”

Please find the full Conclusions here.

Report: Regional AMR Workshop in Latin America

On June 5-7, 2019, the regional JPIAMR workshop Experiences and Areas of Interest for Strengthening Antimicrobial Resistance Networks was held at the Science Cultural Centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The workshop had excellent results in terms of attendance, subjects covered and impact on national, regional and global AMR networks and groups.

Next steps and activities:

  • Information sessions (INFODAYS) will be held throughout the year for researchers and other stakeholders about JPIAMR and H2020 calls on this subject that are open to third countries.
  • In line with the conversations held between producers and other AMR players, further joint meetings and activities will be held to identify the problems faced by everyone on this issue.
  • Participation in all AMR dissemination and awareness activities through the available internal and external channels. Likewise, world awareness days, such as the World Microbiome Day on 27 June, will be taken advantage of by publishing posts and articles on AMR.
  • Joint activities with other areas of government will be planned, to present AMR efforts in dissemination fairs with great geographic coverage, such as TECNÓPOLIS and TECNÓPOLIS FEDERAL, and other activities achieved through the Linkage area.

Download the full report: Regional Seminar Report – Experiences and Areas of Interest for Strengthening Antimicrobial Resistance Networks (pdf, 1 MB, opens in a new window).

Come see JPIAMR at FEMS 2019

Members of JPIAMR will attend FEMS 2019 from July 7-11 in Glasgow, Scotland. If attending as well, please stop by our poster on the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute.

This poster describes how JPIAMR uses the Strategic Research and Innovation agenda to outline different joint actions, with a focus on the JPIAMR- Virtual Research Institute. Come and talk to us to find out more!

When: Tuesday July 9; 17.00-19.00

Poster Session: Education / Professional Development / Policies

Poster number: PT138

EU Commissioner urges countries to join JPIAMR

In a speech on June 20, at the Second Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in The Netherlands, Vytenis Andriukaitis, the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, reaffirmed his positive view of JPIAMR by saying: “Collaboration is an essential part of any successful research programme. So, I am particularly proud of the Joint Programming Initiative on antimicrobial resistance, which pools the national research efforts of 27 countries on 5 continents and covers the full One Health spectrum.”

Also, in his speech, Commissioner Andriukaitis urged Ministers present and their countries to join JPIAMR: ”This Initiative grows stronger with every new member, so we need more countries and more investment. The Virtual Research Institute under the Joint Programming Initiative on AMR (JPIAMR) will create a platform to increase coordination, improve visibility, and facilitate knowledge exchange and capacity development as well as the use of scientific evidence.
Ministers, join us in this work!”

JPIAMR at the Second Ministerial Conference on AMR

On 19-20 June 2019, JPIAMR will participate in the Second Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, Accelerating Ambitions for Future Health in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The focus of the conference will be international and multi-sectoral cooperation within the framework of the One Health approach. The program can be seen here.

JPIAMR will take part in a panel discussion in a break-out session entitled Addressing AMR to deliver the SDGs – strengthen knowledge and evidence base and hold an information stand for participants to provide information on the JPIAMR activities.

JPIAMR at Global AMR R&D Hub workshop

On May 28 in Geneva, JPIAMR participated at the Global AMR R&D Hub workshop on “AMR R&D investments”. The objective was to identify and discuss opportunities for investments and new and innovative financing mechanisms for AMR R&D using a global One Health approach. It aimed at providing recommendations on how the Global AMR R&D Hub can support those activities. JPIAMR’s Laura Marin presented in one of the sessions about AMR investments and the JPIAMR AMR Research Funding Dashboard.

Download the workshop report (pdf, opens in a new window)

Download the workshop program (pdf, opens in a new window)