Pre-announcement: Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance

JPIAMR is pleased to pre-announce a joint transnational research call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostic and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods.  The call will support research projects that also have the potential for impact in areas where the risk and burden of AMR is greatest, such as in LMIC settings in Asia and Africa. Projects are encouraged to use a One Health approach where relevant.

The projected call budget is approx. 20 million Euro.

To read more about the call, please click here.

JPIAMR Highlighted in G20 Health Ministers Joint Declaration

The 2018 G20 Health Ministerial Meeting in Mar del Plata, Argentina, concluded on October 4th with a joint declaration on concrete health policy proposals.

The document considers health a key aspect for sustainable development and calls for a further strengthening health systems. It also recommends concrete actions to address global issues such as antimicrobial resistance, and with commitments for “increasing the level of awareness on the prudent and responsible use and disposal of antibiotics of all healthcare providers, veterinarians, farmers and food producers and of the general public.”

In the declaration, the G20 also mentions JPIAMR together with GARDP, UNITAD, CARB-X and the TB-Alliance, welcoming the work of these leading international initiatives.

Please view the full declaration here.

Coming Soon: Call on Diagnostics and Surveillance

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become one of the major global health and development challenges of the 21st century. The threat of AMR is particularly high in resource-limited and high-risk settings. This is linked to weak human and animal health systems; diverse means of food production, processing and consumption; food safety and food security; water, hygiene and sanitation challenges; and the global movement of people and goods.

In response to these challenges, the JPIAMR will launch a joint transnational call for proposals for innovative research projects on new or improved diagnostics and surveillance strategies, tools, technologies and methods. These research projects should address diagnosis of AMR infections in clinical and veterinary settings, or the emergence, surveillance, and/or detection of AMR in humans, animals and the environment. This Call will support research projects that also have the potential for impact in areas where the risk and burden of AMR is greatest, e.g. in LMIC settings in Asia and Africa. Projects are encouraged to use a One Health approach where relevant. The projected call budget is approx. 20 million Euro.

Scope of the call

Projects should aim to either:

  1. Develop strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for the detection, monitoring, profiling and/or surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and dynamics leading to resistance.
  2. Study ways to facilitate and implement the uptake and use of existing strategies, tools, technologies, and/or methods for the detection, monitoring, profiling and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and dynamics leading to resistance.

List of participating countries is provisional.
Consortia of eligible scientists from participating JPIAMR member countries and eligible countries in Africa and Asia may apply to this call. Full eligibility criteria will be included in the Call launch. Participating JPIAMR member countries include Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and  Sweden. Consortia must include a minimum of three and a maximum of six project partners from at least three eligible countries.

The Netherlands has the intention of joining the call but no funding is guaranteed yet. Updates on the progress will be shared.

Expected timeline
  • November 2018 – Pre-announcement of the call
  • December 2018 – Publication of the call
  • February 2019 – Submission deadline for pre-proposal
  • April 2019 – Full proposal invitations sent to project coordinators
  • June 2019 – Submission deadline for full proposals
  • October/November – Final funding decision announced
  • December 2019/ Early 2020 – Project start

Download as pdf

Open consultation: JPIAMR is updating the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA)

Update of the JPIAMR Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda 2018

The JPIAMR recognises that innovation is critically important in the field of AMR, as there is a strong need of new therapeutics, diagnostics, and innovative infection prevention and intervention measures. The JPIAMR is therefore currently refreshing its JPIAMR Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to take account of recent research findings and to extend the JPIAMR SRA into a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).

The research objectives and research priorities of the JPIAMR SRIA are now open for public consultation. We welcome feedback on the research topics from the AMR community from the 9th of July to the 15th of September (12.00 CET).

For more information and instructions for providing feedback, please click here.

Fourth JPIAMR Network Call Workshop – report and interviews

In March researchers gathered in Frankfurt am Main in a final workshop, Maximising Existing and Future Research Efforts and Resource Alignment to Combat AMR, to share some of their activities and findings from research that was supported by funding within the JPIAMR call for networks. Here we present the full workshop report and filmed interviews with some of the funded networks.

The fourth JPIAMR call for networks closed on June 6, 2016. Participating countries in the network call were JPIAMR members: France, Canada, Belgium Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands. The coordinators from the countries participating in the call created networks of researchers from many different countries and fields of research.

Major Conclusions

  • The Network funding mechanism facilitated the formation of successful networks in all strategic JPIAMR areas.
  • JPIAMR Network funding allowed Networks to carry out a broad range of activities with different outcomes, including white papers/position papers, conferences/workshops, systematic reviews, Standard Operating Procedures, online courses, guidance documents and journal articles, amongst others.

JPIAMR has the One Health approach as an integral part of the Strategic Research Agenda. This is one of the key strengths of JPIAMR and it is reflected in the diversity of the network topics.

The full workshop report can be downloaded here.

About the participating networks

The assembled networks had emphasis on needs at a National and International level to address AMR, within these areas:

  • Guidelines on use (Human & Veterinary) – Affordable stewardship
  • Surveillance in primary care
  • New anti-infective/ New adjuvant therapies / Alternative approaches
  • Evaluation of risk for generation of resistance in human setting
  • Rapid diagnostic tests
  • Role of environmental factors
  • Infrastructures/Biobanks available relevant to infection and AMR

The networks spanned all of the JPIAMR pillars and were mostly multidisciplinary (spanning at least two pillars). A range of sizes of the networks were represented at the workshop.

Interviews with coordinators of some funded JPIAMR Networks

Research Network: Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) and the Spread of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

Research Network: INFACT – AMR and Intensive Care Units

Research Network: Rapid Diagnostics

Research Network: AMR Stewardship in Hospitals – What Works?

Announcement 7th Call: Working to Improve Surveillance

Surveillance networks are essential to monitor the threat of AMR and guide public health policy. The JPIAMR call for networks aims to create networks to enhance resource alignment and efforts in the field of AMR surveillance.

In partnership with ten member countries; Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, JPIAMR is launching the seventh joint call for transnational networks. The total budget of the call is approximately € 1.1 million.

This network call “Working to Improve Surveillance” aims to create networks to enhance resource alignment and efforts in the field of AMR surveillance. Surveillance is a prerequisite for assessing the success of AMR stewardship measures, infection prevention and control, and the effectiveness of new therapeutic and diagnostic options. The overarching goal of JPIAMR research on surveillance is to standardise, improve and extend surveillance systems on antibiotic use and on AMR in humans, animals, food, and the larger environment.

In this network call up to 21 networks will be funded with up to € 50 000 each to maximise existing and future efforts to combat AMR by pushing forward new ideas in AMR surveillance. Note that JPIAMR networks calls do not fund research projects.

Call procedure

The Network Call on Surveillance 2018 has a one-step procedure. The final funding decision will be announced in September / October 2018.


The proposal submission deadline is June 12th, 2018, (14.00h CET).

The Network Call Secretariat and National Points of Contact

The Network Call on Surveillance is hosted by the Swedish Research Council. All questions about the call should be sent to:

To download Surveillance Network Call folder, please click on: Folder_Working to Improve Surveillance

Download the press release in here: Working to Improve Surveillance

More detailed information about the call is here: JPIAMR 2018 Network Call on Surveillance

About: The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance, JPIAMR, coordinates national programmes, funding and supports collaborative action for filling knowledge gaps on AMR with a one health approach. Today, 27 nations, from four continents, are members of JPIAMR. More than 300 research groups have received funding from JPIAMR. Since its launch in 2011 JPIAMR has coordinated total budget of € 65 million. The JPIAMR Secretariat is hosted by the Swedish Research Council.

Pre-announcement: 8th Call – Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR VRI

JPIAMR recognises a need to reinforce alignment of AMR research. To promote this, the JPIAMR will establish a Virtual Research Institute in AMR – a global network connecting research performing organisations, including institutes, centres, and infrastructures.

In partnership with ten member countries; Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, JPIAMR is launching the 8th joint call for transnational Networks. The total budget of the call is approximately 1.1 million Euro. This Network Call “Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute” aims to identify research community needs and develop ideas to form the foundation for the JPIAMR-VRI. Networks of motivated groups should develop catalytic ideas and strategic plans to help bring the JPIAMR-VRI to life!

Up to 22 Networks will be funded with up to €50 000 each coordinator to connect experts from research performing organisations and establish expertise clusters in the AMR community. The formation of larger, multi-coordinator Networks is possible according to national rules. This is an ERA-NET JPI-EC-AMR additional activity. Note that JPIAMR Network calls do not fund research projects.

Call procedure

The JPIAMR-VRI Network Call has a one-step procedure. The final funding decision will be announced in October / November 2018.


The proposal submission deadline is July 4th, 2018, (17.00 CET).

JPIAMR-VRI Network Call Secretariat and National Points of Contact

The JPIAMR-VRI Network Call Secretariat is hosted by the Italian Ministry of Health, It-MoH.
All questions on the pre-announcement should be sent to:

For more detailed information on the JPIAMR-VRI, please see here.

To download PIAMR-VRI Network Call folder, please click here.

Download the press release in English here: Press Release_JPIAMR-VRI

Download the press release in French here: JPIAMR-IRV_Press Release_FRENCH

More detailed information to be found here: JPIAMR 2018 Network Call: Building the foundation of the JPIAMR-VRI


The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance, JPIAMR, coordinates national programmes, funding and supports collaborative action for filling knowledge gaps on AMR with a one health approach. Today,  27 nations, from four continents, are members of JPIAMR. More than 300 research groups have received funding from JPIAMR. Since its launch in 2011 JPIAMR has coordinated total budget of 65 million Euros. The JPIAMR Secretariat is hosted by the Swedish Research Council.

South Korea New Member of JPIAMR

JPIAMR Evolves as Global Collaborative Platform on Antimicrobial Resistance.

On February 26, 2018, South Korea was accepted as full member of the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR). Now, 27 countries are members of the global collaborative platform and engaged in the mission to harness antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

“AMR is a serious social issue in Korea. Hospitals, farms and fisheries are all under siege. While much investment is being made domestically, our scientists and policy makers also realize the need for global cooperation in fighting AMR. We at the National Research Foundation of Korea thus regard joining JPIAMR a momentous event. We look forward to sharing knowledge and experience of all participating nations and contributing to this must-win struggle”, says Jaesang Kim, National Research Foundation of South Korea.

”Antimicrobial Resistance is a global threat today that must be acted on with a one health approach and seamless global collaboration. We are delighted to expand the platform to include South Korea as a full member of JPIAMR”, says Carlos Segovia, Chair of the JPIAMR Management Board.

Several key organisations and reports point to JPIAMR as an initiative to support. JPIAMR continues to grow with countries that choose to come together as members; sharing resources, strategic research agendas, funding and more. An increasing number of countries want to be part of transnational research calls. South Koreas membership shows that JPIAMR is a trusted platform for countries that share the mission to harness AMR on a global scale.

JPIAMR coordinates research programmes, funding and supports collaborative action for filling knowledge gaps on AMR with a one health approach. Today, more than half of G20 nations are members of JPIAMR. More than 300 research groups have received funding from JPIAMR. Since its launch in 2011, JPIAMR has coordinated an overall budget of 65 million Euros. The JPIAMR Secretariat is hosted by the Swedish Research Council.

Please download press release here: Press Release_South Korea joins JPIAMR as full member 180226_FINAL

For media inquiries, please contact:

Mr. Anders Bjers

Communications Officer JPIAMR


Mobile: +46-73-550 37 88

Report – Countries Should Increase Funding for AMR Research by 50%

Today we are reached by the final report from DRIVE-AB with the headline: “Revitalizing the Antibiotic Pipeline“. The context is that “The current pipeline for innovative antibiotics in various stages of R&D is insufficient, potentially delivering no more than one innovative antibiotic for a “critical” World Health Organization (WHO) priority pathogen within the next five years.”, the report say in the beginning.  A key reason for the DRIVE-AB report is to bring recommendations and guidance in the present context, when we are facing increased antibiotic resistance on a global scale.

One of the main recommendations is that countries should increase funding for AMR.

“Countries should make long-term commitments to continue financing of antibacterial R&D and ideally increase push funding by about 50 per cent.”, states the report.

DRIVE-AB finds that: “There may be capacity within existing multinational grant funding agencies – e.g. CARB-X, GARDP, JPIAMR (Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance) – to absorb and effectively deploy more capital.”

So, we are happy to see that JPIAMR is acknowledged as a key organisation and vehicle, among others,  who are trusted with the mission to fund even more research in order to harness AMR on a global scale. Since JPIAMR is coordinating research and funding for it’s 26 member nations – it fits very well to expand the operations in this direction.

The Drive-AB report continues: “Owing to the existing pipeline, much of this immediate funding should be placed in early- and mid-stage grants until the pipeline becomes more robust. Granting agencies should have specific calls for research targeting pathogens that pose the most urgent public health threats (e.g. WHO’s priority pathogens list for the discovery phase and TPPs for the development phase).”

The ongoing JPIAMR call for “New targets, compounds and tools – innovating against antibiotic resistant bacteria“, is a perfect example how countries are pooling resources and research to collaborate. This call responds to WHOs list of priority pathogens just as the report recommends.

However, funding is linked with the ability to both reach and enable researcher to apply for funds. This is something many more entities in the AMR field could collaborate on to a greater extent. If researchers are not aware of available funds and contexts to support research, we may miss opportunities to support research that can be life changing for the many.

The 6th Transnational Call is Now Open

The sixth transnational call for research projects for the JPIAMR within the ERA-NET JPI-EC-AMR


The JPIAMR, in partnership with sixteen member countries; Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland, is launching a sixth joint call for transnational research projects. The total budget of the 6th Call is approx. 14.4 million Euro.

The call targets research in the following topic:

Innovations against antibiotic-resistant bacteria: new targets, compounds and tools. Fundamental, translational research, with the exception of clinical trials.

Call procedure

The 6th Call has a two-step procedure. With a first stage, a pre-proposal submission, from which selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal, the second stage. The final funding decision will be announced in October / November 2018.


The pre-proposal submission deadline is March 7, 2018, (17:00, CET).
The full proposal submission deadline is June 14, 2018, (17.00, CET).

Information and application

For more detailed information and links to application process, please visit the page about the 6th Call.

6th Call Secretariat and National Points of Contact

The 6th Call Secretariat is hosted by the French National Research Agency, ANR.

All questions on national rules, eligibility, etc. should be directed to the national contacts, for contact information please visit the page about the 6th Call.

Spread the News

Reach out to researchers in participating countries. Use the template below and link to the page about the 6th call.